cacao - определение. Что такое cacao
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Что (кто) такое cacao - определение

Cacao (disambiguation); User:Verdeflor/Cacao fruit
Cacao is the seed from which cocoa and chocolate are made, from Spanish cacao, an adaptation of Nahuatl (Aztecan) cacaua, the root form of cacahuatl ("bean of the cocoa-tree"). It may also refer to:
Cacao (disambiguation); User:Verdeflor/Cacao fruit
·noun A small evergreen tree (Theobroma Cacao) of South America and the West Indies. Its fruit contains an edible pulp, inclosing seeds about the size of an almond, from which cocoa, chocolate, and broma are prepared.
Cacao (disambiguation); User:Verdeflor/Cacao fruit
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¦ noun (plural cacaos)
1. bean-like seeds from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are made.
2. the small tropical American evergreen tree that bears cacao seeds, which are contained in large oval pods growing on the trunk. [Theobroma cacao.]
C16: via Sp. from Nahuatl cacaua.
Примеры произношения для cacao
1. Not cacao.
The Berkeley Bowl Cookbook _ Laura McLively _ Talks at Google
2. AUDIENCE: Cacao?
The Berkeley Bowl Cookbook _ Laura McLively _ Talks at Google
3. into cacao paste?
Guittard Chocolate _ Amy Guittard & Donald Wressel _ Talks at Google
4. I get really nervous about raw cacao.
Guittard Chocolate _ Amy Guittard & Donald Wressel _ Talks at Google
5. and why the cacao growing and sustainability
Guittard Chocolate _ Amy Guittard & Donald Wressel _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для cacao
1. Cacao is grown around the globe, within a narrow band that straddles the equator.
2. They buy chocolate based on cacao content –– some desire 70 percent, others will go higher.
3. Many of the village‘s 500 people grow coca along with legal crops like cacao and coffee.
4. However, this was not the form in which cacao had its beginnings.
5. For centuries, if not millennia, chocolate has been made from the cacao bean, with cocoa butter an essential ingredient.